Duo Enrollment
Intro to Criminal Justice: The course will emphasize the three major components of the system: court, corrections, and law enforcement, and will then examine the role of each. This course pertains to the history and philosophy of criminal justice in America.
Foundations for College Success: This comprehensive course integrates the cultivation of skills, values, and attitudes indicative of confident, capable students/individuals with problem-solving and critical/creative thinking. The course focuses on the following topics: life management, goal setting,
career decision-making, educational planning, college expectations and opportunities, instructor-student relationships, cultural diversity, lifestyle choices affecting health maintenance, stress management, campus resources, learning styles and strategies, and study skills. This course is recommended for all new students.
Intro to Psychology is a survey course designed to provide an introduction to the facts and theories underlying human behavior. Special emphasis is given to the following topics: schools of psychology, physiological factors, sensation, perception, motivation, learning, thinking, emotion, abnormal behavior, personality, heredity, environment, and social factors.
Child Development: The processes of socialization focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, and community. Examines the influence of multiple societal contexts. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children's development, birth through adolescence.
Elementary Statistics: This course covers descriptive statistics, including organization and presentation of data; elementary probability including permutations, combinations, binomial and normal distributions; inferential statistics, including random sampling, hypothesis testing, regression, and correlation and chi-square distribution.
This course will enable students to earn college credit for learning or improving skills or knowledge while working. Any type of work is suitable, either paid or volunteer. This course will allow students to sample an experience in a career field that is not related to the student's major. A student may not enroll in any more than 16 units of any cooperative work experience course at Merced College. Seventy-five hours of cooperative work experience (or 60 hours of volunteer work) equals 1 unit of cooperative work experience credit. See Ms. Benson for this class in Room D1