Impact » Academic Support - Tutorial Services

Academic Support - Tutorial Services


Le Grand High School IMPACT After School Program

Tutorial Hours  







On-Campus Tutorial 

@Conference Room

12:20-3:00 pm

Mr. Trevino

Subject Strength: Math


Online Tutorial

12:20-3:00 pm 

Mr. Rios  

Subject Strengths: English & History

Online Tutorial  

2:15-5:45 pm

Mr. Avalos 

Subject Strength: Math 


On-Campus Tutorial 

@Conference Room

12:20-3:00 pm

Mr. Trevino

Subject Strength: Math




Online Tutorial

12:45-2:45 pm 

Mr. Rios  

Subject Strengths: English & History 



Online Tutorial 

2:15-5:45 pm

Mr. Avalos

Subject Strength: Math

On-campus Tutorial

(@Check in the front office) 

10-2:00 pm 

Ms. Skywalker  

Subject Strength: English



Online Tutorial 

10-2:00 pm 

Ms. Skywalker  

Subject Strength: English



Online Tutorial 

2:15-5:45 pm

Mr. Avalos

Subject Strength: Math


On-Campus Tutorial 

@Conference Room

12:20-3:00 pm

Mr. Trevino

Subject Strength: Math


Online Tutorial 

12:45-2:45 pm 

Mr. Rios  

Subject Strengths: English & History 



Online Tutorial 


Mr. Avalos  

Subject Strength: Math

On-Campus Tutorial 

@Conference Room

12:20-3:00 pm

Mr. Trevino

Subject Strength: Math


Online Tutorial

12:20-3:00 pm 

Mr. Rios  

Subject Strengths: English & History


Online Tutorial  

2:15-5:45 pm


Subject Strength: Math

*Updated 1/27/21
  • Do one thing at a time 
  • Prioritize
  • Spend time on your wellbeing 
  • Check your calendar and email daily. 
  • Make a daily to-do list.
  • Use your calendar as much as possible. 
  • Use CANVAS to see what assignments are due 
  • Use a planner to keep track of your assignments
  • Take a Break From Social Media.
  • Find a Peaceful Spot to Study.
  • Be Engaged, Take Notes, and Listen to class. 
  • Use Colorful Highlighters in Organizing Information.
  • Make Use of Your Extra Time Wisely.
  • Use a Planner to Track Your Homework & Other Tasks.
  • Have an Organizational System in Place.
  • Create a Routine.
  • Take breaks
  • Don’t forget to hydrate and eat 
  • Go outside
  • Take a nap if needed
  • Play with your pet 
  • Be Physically Active: Helps you re-focus 
  • Stay connected with friends and family 

Music to listen to while doing homework:


More Tutorial Resources

UC MERCED Bobcats Online Homework Help