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Exposure Prevention Plan

Scope and Purpose

  • This plan is designed to set forth standards and protocols for the Le Grand Union High School District regarding the current pandemic of COVID-19.
  • This plan will be utilized to support a safe, clean environment for students, employees, sub-contractors, vendors, visitors, and any other persons entering a Le Grand Union High School District site or location.
  • The Le Grand Union High School District is monitoring all current information from local, State, and Federal agencies such as the CDC, WHO, and State and local Health Departments.
  • The Le Grand Union High School District will follow all local, State, and Federal guidance and continue to update this program as guidance and/or recommendations change.

Entry to Campus and Screening

All LGUHSD employees or anyone else making contact must complete a daily COVID-19 self screening symptom assessment on a site specific google form.

Employee link: 

Student link:

  • Employees overseeing Health are responsible for verifying employees complete the form.
  • If an individual is found to have responded “yes” to any of the screening Questions, Administration are notified for follow-up as appropriate
  • Students will enter campus at designated entry points near the administration building.
  • Students will complete a self screening, including a temperature scan at points of entry.  Similar messaging will be communicated through phone calls, ParentSquare and websites.
  • If a student answers yes to any of the screening questions or has a temperature they will be denied entry to campus.
  • If a student is denied access to campus due to having a temperature or answer yes on the screening questionnaire; the School Nurse will follow up with the parent/guardian.

Required Use of Face Coverings

All LGUHSD employees, students, visitors to the district site are required to wear face coverings in accordance with the California Department of Public Health’s guidance issued June 18, 2020.

  • Students must wear face coverings in accordance with CDPH guidelines unless a person is exempt as explained in the guidelines, particularly in indoor environments, on school buses, and areas where physical distancing alone is not sufficient to prevent disease transmission.
  • All LGUHSD students will be issued a cloth face covering.
  • Teach and reinforce use of face coverings, or in limited instances, face shields. 
  • Students and staff should be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands frequently. 
  • Information should be provided to all staff and families in the school community on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.
  • Training should also include policies on how people who are exempted from wearing a face covering will be addressed.
  • Persons who have trouble breathing, anyone who is unconscious or incapacitated, and anyone who is otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance are exempt from wearing a face covering.
  • In order to comply with this guidance, schools must exclude students from campus if they are exempt from wearing a face covering under CDPH guidelines and refuse to wear one provided by the school. If a student is excluded due to refusing to wear a mask; the student’s name will be recorded and their parent/guardian will be notified. 
  • Disposable face coverings will be available  to students who inadvertently fail to bring a face covering.
  • All staff must use face coverings in accordance with CDPH guidelines unless Cal/OSHA standards require respiratory protection.
  • All LGUHSD staff will be issued (2) cloth face coverings.
  • LGUHSD staff shall wear face coverings at all times except when the employee is working alone in their personal workspace.
  • Employees who share a common workspace shall wear a face covering at all times when in the presence of another person.
  • In limited situations where a face coverings cannot be used for pedagogical or developmental reasons, (i.e. communicating or assisting those with special needs or learning English) a face shield can be used instead of a cloth face covering while in the classroom as long as the the wearer maintains physical distance from others, to the extent practicable. Staff must return to wearing a face covering outside of the classroom. 

Individual Control Measures and Spread Prevention Protocols

All members of the LGUHSD community should implement following individual control measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer (60% alcohol content or greater). 
  • Encourage respiratory etiquette, including covering mouth and or nose when coughing and/or sneezing. Cover the mouth and nose with a tissue. If a tissue is not immediately available cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not your hands.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Encourage staff and students to not share tools or common work areas.  
  • Use disinfection/cleaning products for common areas or shared tools.
  • Ensure  you  read  and  follow  all  instructions  and  safety  precautions  when  using  any disinfectant/cleaning product.
  • Stay home if you are sick or feel sick (except to get medical care); be symptom free for 72 hours without the use of medication (i.e., Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Dayquil, etc.) before returning to work or school.
  • Discourage physical greetings such as handshakes or hugs.
  • Discourage carpooling unless individuals are members of the same household.
  • Encourage staff and students to use stairs and avoid riding elevators with other persons.

The following Spread Prevention Protocols will be in place for all LGUHSD employees:

  • Maintain a minimum of 6’ of physical distance from other individuals at all possible times.
  • We have one entry point on campus.  Staff will enter through the front gate only.  
  • Send employees  home  immediately who  show  symptoms or report symptoms on the daily screening form.
  • Hand Sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, spray, and protective gloves will be available in common areas, individual offices, classrooms, and other workspaces.
  • Post signage inside buildings and work areas reminding employees to practice social distancing, wash their hands, etc.
  • Minimize the number of employees working within a common area. (6’ of physical distance to be maintained at all times).
  • Ensure routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces including the following: door handles,  all surfaces, equipment, and tool handles.
  • Stagger break and lunch time to avoid employees from gathering in one location.
  • Limit gatherings of employees to less than 10 people, including: breaks, lunch, and meetings.  
  • All meetings are encouraged to be call-in/video conferences; this includes both office and field meetings.  Any meeting or training session attended by employees must provide for physical distancing of 6’.


All LGUHSD employees will be trained to protect themselves and others from exposure to COVID-19. Employees whose essential functions include cleaning and disinfecting will receive job specific training.  The training will include but not be limited to the following topics:

  • What is COVID-19?
  • How does COVID-19 spread?
  • Signs/symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Maintaining 6’ minimum of physical distancing per the LGUHSD policy.
  • Stay self-aware of your area; do not move into another person’s safe zone.
  • Washing of hands regularly and thoroughly; use of hand sanitizer as needed.
  • Wear proper PPE as needed.
  • Use of face coverings
  • Use of proper hygiene etiquette such as covering our mouth with your arm or tissue; avoid touching your face/eyes/nose/mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Do not share tools or other work spaces.
  • Cleaning of surfaces as the day progresses.
  • Proper use and the hazards of the cleaning/disinfection products.
  • Use of proper PPE when using cleaning/disinfection products.
  • Training to include updates from the CDC, local health department, OSHA and any other State or Federal agencies.
  • All training shall be documented.

Risk Assessment*

  • See Appendix A 

Cleaning and Sanitizing Protocols

LGUHSD will follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting facilities

  • Common areas and individual classrooms including student desks will be cleaned and sanitized daily.
  • Frequently touched surfaces including door handles,  counter tops, and shared office equipment will be cleaned and sanitized daily.
  • Individual office spaces and desks will be cleaned and sanitized by the staff member occupying that workspace. 
  • Sites will designate specific restroom(s) for staff, student, and visitor use and ensure they are cleaned and sanitized on a regular interval.
  • In the event of a positive case, that area will be closed a minimum of 24 hrs before any action is taken. Once the area is cleaned and disinfected after closing for a positive case, the Administration will notify staff when it is safe to resume normal routines.   Cleaning staff would resume the routine cleaning and disinfection practices outlined above to maintain a healthy environment.

Common Area Protocols

  • Copy & Work Room
    • Staff must wear a mask when they are in the work area. The number of staff members in a work area shall not exceed safe social distancing guidelines. Anyone waiting must maintain a social distance of six feet. Each staff member will wipe down the equipment/machine used after each use. It is recommended that staff limit use of common areas.
  • Break Rooms & Other Common Areas
    • Staff must wear a mask when they are in the common area. The number of staff members in the room shall not exceed safe social distancing guidelines. Staff must maintain a social distance of six feet. Each staff member will wipe down any table, surfaces or equipment used. It is recommended that staff limit use of common areas as much as possible.

Visitors to Campus

  • All visitors to campus will check in at the designated location(front windows).
  • Delivery drivers do not need to complete a screening.
  • Parents may visit campus between 8:30 -11:30 and 1:30 - 3:30.
  • No volunteers allowed on campus.
  • Visitors will only be allowed access to areas on campus necessary to complete their business
  • All visitors to campus will follow the CDPH Guidance requiring the use of face coverings, hand sanitizing and 6ft social distancing. 
  • Masks will be available to the public for use while on campus if the visitor does not have their own
  • Visitors will be reminded to follow social distancing guidelines while on campus at all times.

Student Protocols

  • Students who walk to school must enter through the designated gate at the front. 
  • All students must complete a self screening and temperature scan when entering the campus.
  • All students will be required to wear masks.  Masks will be provided for those who need them.  Students who refuse to wear a mask will be sent home.
  • Maintain a minimum of 6’ of physical distance from other individuals at all possible times. 
  • Isolation room is set up on campus to house students who show symptoms or report symptoms of COVID.  Students will be housed here until they can be picked up from school.
  • Hand Sanitizer will be available in common areas, classrooms, and other workspaces.
  • Post signage inside buildings and work areas reminding students to practice social distancing, wash their hands, etc.
  • All meals will be served “grab n’ go”/pre-packed.  
  • Point Of Service terminals will be used in conjunction with student IDs to facilitate no-touch and quick service. Student IDs must be carried with students at all times.
  • Social distancing in lines will be promoted using signage.
  • Students will be encouraged to stay 6 feet apart during meal and break times
  • Students may remove masks when actively eating or drinking. Masks shall be worn at all other times. 
  • Students will be encouraged to eat outdoors weather permitting.

Classroom Protocols

  • Teachers at the doors upon students entering the room.
  • Students sanitize hands upon entry to the room.
  • Students will wipe down their desk/workspace upon entry.
  • Student desks shall be placed six feet apart from one another and facing one direction.
  • Plexi-glass partitions between desks, markings on classroom floors to promote distancing, or arranging desks in a way that establishes separation of students may also be used.
  • Teacher desks shall be placed six feet from any student desk.
  • Teachers should implement contactless procedures for turning in assignments whenever possible.
  • Consider the use of outdoor spaces for instructional purposes, weather permitting.
  • Removal of unused desks from classrooms may occur to reduce the number of touch surfaces.

Non-Classroom Protocols

  • Minimize congregate movement as much as possible. 
  • Serve meals using satellite food service carts.
  • Encourage students to eat outdoors weather permitting.
  • Use of locker rooms for PE is not permitted.
  • Reopening of weight rooms and other indoor workout facilities will be determined by the district  for safety and the district will follow MCDPH and CDPH guidance for gyms and fitness facilities.

Transportation Protocols for Cohorts 

  • Students will be encouraged to practice physical distancing as much as possible.
  • Students and Staff will wear masks on the bus at all times per the CDPH Face covering Guidance.
  • Extra disposable masks will be available for staff and student use.
  • Hand Sanitizer will be provided at bus entry/exit. Students will use sanitizer when boarding and unloading the bus.
  • Open bus windows to the extent possible to promote ventilation (weather and AQI dependent)
  • Seats and all touch surfaces will be sanitized after each route. (Seats, seat backs/tops, handrails, etc)
  • Students will complete the self screening and temperature scan upon arrival at their school.


Meetings will be held in accordance with public health guidelines regarding group gatherings, social distancing and the required use of face coverings.

  • Use alternatives to in-person meetings whenever possible. (GoogleMeet, Zoom, phone meetings)
  • Group meetings may not exceed 10 people per public health guidelines
  • Administration and Management May hold 1 on 1 meetings with employees, however employees may also request to conduct these meetings remotely.
  • Student clubs may meet after school provided attendance is taken for contact tracing purposes and all protocols are followed for safety.

Plan for Student Being Sick on Campus

  • Any students exhibiting symptoms will immediately be required to wear a face covering (including those who may be exempt) and be required to wait in an isolation area until they can be transported home or to a healthcare facility, as soon as practicable.
  • If a student reports symptoms while attending school, the teacher will contact the School Nurse or Office. The School Nurse or Health Aide shall escort the student from their classroom to the campus isolation room to wait until they can be transported home or to a healthcare facility. Students should NOT be sent to the Health office without an escort.
  • For serious injury or illness, call 9-1-1 without delay. Seek medical attention if COVID-19 symptoms become severe, including persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, or bluish lips or face. 
  • Notify local health officials immediately of any positive case of COVID19, and notify exposed staff and families as appropriate while maintaining confidentiality as required by state and federal laws.
  • Advise sick students not to return until they have met CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation, including at least 72 hours with no fever, symptoms have improved and at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared.

Positive Case Investigations and Contact Tracing

  • Risk Management will interview positive cases and conduct contact tracing for all LGUHSD employee cases in accordance with CDC and public health guidelines.

  • Administration will notify employee close contacts of their exposure to a positive case and inform employees of their leave options.
  • LGUHSD School Nurse will interview positive cases and conduct contact tracing for all LGUHSD student cases.
  • School Nurse will notify student close contacts of their exposure to a positive case and inform parents guardians of next steps according to public health guidelines.
  • Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible during the case investigation and contact tracing process.

Appendix A


Potential Hazard

Recommended Actions/Protocols

Normal Job Tasks/Duties

Tasks requiring workers to be closer than 6 feet.

Exposure to COVID-19

All workers should be trained in COVID-19 safety measures and precautions.

• Specific tasks to be outlined and limited to scope and duration as much as possible.

• Associated workers will have to successfully complete a daily health assessment.

• Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); including, face covering/mask, face shield or mask, protective gloves, and site/task specific PPE, as necessary.

• Task and site-specific PPE shall also be utilized in conjunction with the any

COVID-19 specific PPE.

• Workers to be trained for required PPE usage, selection, donning/doffing procedures.

• Disinfect tools, materials and area prior to starting work.  Disinfecting solution, access to soap & water, and hand sanitizer will be provided

• Perform tasks safely using task specific procedures.

• Complete tasks and disinfect all tools, materials and areas prior to removing PPE.

• Remove PPE, Wash hands, face and other body parts with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  Don clean PPE to disinfect reusable equipment such as face shields. etc.

• Remove and dispose of single use PPE.  Reusable gloves, face shields and other

PPE should be cleaned, dried and stored for future use.

• Wash hands, face and other body parts with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

• Use hand sanitizer as necessary.