Hello Incoming Freshmen! » Information For Parents

Information For Parents

Hello Parents! 
If you have any troubles filling out your form, you can email/call our attendance office.
Our technology team is also happy to help.
Technology Room: 209 389 9400 ex 1240
Alison Lopez: 209 389 9400 ex 1242
Here are some tips:
1. You can view your children, up to date, grades through the Canvas Parent application. Click Here to find out more! You can also message teachers in the app. 
2. Sign up to the Le Grand High School ParentSquare. If you're having any troubles contact our attendance office @ 209.389.9400
3. Follow our social media: 
Youtube Icons Facebook Instagram Icon Twitter Icon
4. Le Grand High School offers I.M.P.A.C.T. afterschool activities for students like anime, gaming, tutorial, culinary arts (cooking), weight room, & more. Click here to find out more.
Attendance Office:
Mrs. Ada Ochoa
Special Projects
Mrs. Cecilia Esparza
or you can speak to our Parent Liaison:
Mrs. Estela Bustamante
Parent Liasion
Le Grand Union High School offers Adult School! If you would like any information regarding adult school contact our parent liaison. 
Profile Picture
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I.T. Coordinator
Neida Alonso
I.T. & Media Services
Josue Franco
I.T. Support